Global Partner Elevator, as can be understood from our name and brand, being your global partner, gives service for lift materials for local and foreign customers.
In this case, our most important target is to keep on top the quality and customer satisfaction. For this reason, serve wide range of products to the our clients and increase trade volume with the best brands of the World day by day. Especially, according to our foreign customers requests, serve complete Elevator system options and supply the materials from local and foreign suppliers. Whereby, we have possibility to Export to various countries in 7 continent.
Our purpose, being a Bridge between continents and countries in the Elevator market and to offer the right products in the best conditions to our customers.In this way, our customer success in their elevator projects will be our success. Every projects of our customers will be a good reference for them and also for our Company.

Global Partner Elevator serves to customers Elevator cabins, car frames, counterweight frames, swing door, traction machine, automatic car and landing door, folding door, Elevator guide rail, lift controller, Car Operating Panel, Landing Operating Panel, Counterweight fillings and other Elevator materials. Also serves Complete Package MRL (Machine Roomless) Elevator, Complete Package MR (Machine Room) Elevator, Complete Package Passenger Lift, Complete Package Freight Lift, Complete Package Hydraulic Lift, Complete Package Bed Lift, Complete Package Vehicle Lift, Complete Package Monte Charge (Service, Food) Lift, Escalator and Moving Walk.
The challenging competative conditions of the Elevator market and different demands and expectations of our customers which have increased awareness makes necessary to improve products and services.
Global Partner Elevator comments demands and expectations in the Elevator market with an experienced and expert view and objectively. Obtains high customer satisfaction with dynamic, creative and innovative approach to create a longterm customer instead of Daily customer.
Our indispensable values and principles are ‘’Continuity in Quality’’, ‘’Competative Price’’, ‘’Mutual Trust’’ and ‘’Honesty’’.
Global Partner Elevator will take his place in the Elevator market with these values and principles.
- to serve the best quality exceed the customers’ expectations
- to obtain the customers’ loyalty
- to submit the creative solutions on time
- to manage the company resources properly according to the todays and tomorrows requirements
- to supply value-added external products and services
- to provide self-development missions to its staff